
Student Loans - Financial Myths Debunked by the Myth-Buster

  There are billions of dollars that are given out to those most in need to help with their education, most of these funds are in the form of student loans. However there seems to be a wealth of mis-information about just exactly what sort of aid is available and who can claim it. We will show some myths that must be dispelled, find out more below. Just call me the Myth-Buster! Financial Myths Education is Too Costly It is true there has been a lot of noise in the media about the rising costs of education, but in spite of this, the fact remains that getting your education through a college is still one of the most easily affordable forms of education you can obtain. Statistics have shown that students who graduate through a college are more likely to earn over $1 million more (in their careers) than their counterparts from high-school. There is not enough Financial Aid Available The fact is that, these days, there are more students that are receiving financial aid that ever before....